 'tlmgr' uses many of the standard TeX environment variables, as reported
 by, e.g., 'tlmgr conf' (⇒conf tlmgr conf.).
    In addition, for ease in scripting and debugging, 'tlmgr' looks for
 the following environment variables.  These are not of interest for
 normal user installations.
      This variable allows selecting a different compressor program for
      backups and intermediate rollback containers.  The order of
      selection is:
        1. If the environment variable 'TEXLIVE_COMPRESSOR' is defined,
           use it; abort if it doesn't work.  Possible values: 'lz4',
           'gzip', 'xz'.  The necessary options are added internally.
        2. If lz4 is available (either from the system or TL) and
           working, use that.
        3. If gzip is available (from the system) and working, use that.
        4. If xz is available (either from the system or TL) and working,
           use that.
      lz4 and gzip are faster in creating tlmgr's local backups, hence
      they are preferred.  The unconditional use of xz for the tlnet
      containers is unaffected, to minimize download sizes.
      These options allow selecting different download programs then the
      ones automatically selected by the installer.  The order of
      selection is:
        1. If the environment variable 'TEXLIVE_DOWNLOADER' is defined,
           use it; abort if the specified program doesn't work.  Possible
           values: 'lwp', 'curl', 'wget'.  The necessary options are
           added internally.
        2. If the environment variable 'TL_DOWNLOAD_PROGRAM' is defined
           (can be any value), use it together with 'TL_DOWNLOAD_ARGS';
           abort if it doesn't work.
        3. If LWP is available and working, use that (by far the most
           efficient method, as it supports persistent downloads).
        4. If curl is available (from the system) and working, use that.
        5. If wget is available (either from the system or TL) and
           working, use that.
      TL provides 'wget' binaries for platforms where necessary, so some
      download method should always be available.
      By default, compression and download programs provided by the
      system, i.e., found along 'PATH' are preferred over those shipped
      with TeX Live.
      This can create problems with systems that are too old, and so can
      be overridden by setting the environment variable
      'TEXLIVE_PREFER_OWN' to 1.  In this case, executables shipped with
      TL will be preferred.
      Extra compression/download programs not provided by TL, such as
      gzip, lwp, and curl, are still checked for on the system and used
      if available, per the above.  'TEXLIVE_PREFER_OWN' only applies
      when the program being checked for is shipped with TL, namely the
      lz4 and xz compressors and wget downloader.
      Exception: on Windows, the 'tar.exe' shipped with TL is always
      used, regardless of any setting.