tlbuild: install-tl DESCRIPTION

 This installer creates a runnable TeX Live installation from various
 media, including over the network, from local hard disk, a DVD, etc.
 The installer works on all platforms supported by TeX Live.  For
 information on initially downloading TeX Live, see
    The basic idea of TeX Live installation is for you to choose one of
 the top-level _schemes_, each of which is defined as a different set of
 _collections_ and _packages_, where a collection is a set of packages,
 and a package is what contains actual files.
    Within the installer, you can choose a scheme, and further customize
 the set of collections to install, but not the set of the packages.  To
 work at the package level, use 'tlmgr' (reference just below) after the
 initial installation is complete.
    The default is 'scheme-full', which installs everything, and this is
 highly recommended.