tlbuild: Cross configuring

 4.7.1 Cross configuring
 In a standard cross compilation, binaries for the host system cannot
 execute on the build system and it is necessary to specify the configure
 options '--host=HOST' and '--build=BUILD' with two different values.
    Building binaries requires suitable "cross" tools, e.g., compiler,
 linker, and archiver, and perhaps a "cross" version of 'pkg-config' and
 similar to locate host system libraries.  Autoconf expects that these
 cross tools are given by their usual variables or found under their
 usual name prefixed with 'HOST-'.  Here a list of such tools and
 corresponding variables:
      ar                AR
      freetype-config   FT2_CONFIG
      g++               CXX
      gcc               CC
      icu-config        ICU_CONFIG
      objdump           OBJDUMP
      pkg-config        PKG_CONFIG
      ranlib            RANLIB
      strip             STRIP
 In order to, e.g., build 'mingw32' binaries on 'x86_64-linux' with a
 cross compiler found as 'i386-pc-mingw32-gcc' one would specify
      --host=i386-pc-mingw32 --build=x86_64-linux-gnu
 or perhaps
      --host=mingw32 --build=x86_64-linux CC=i386-pc-mingw32-gcc
 but this latter, especially, might require adding 'CXX' and others.
    Configure arguments such as 'CFLAGS=...' refer to the cross compiler.
 If necessary, you can specify compilers and flags for the few auxiliary
 C and C++ programs required for the build process as configure arguments