sed: Reverse chars of lines

 7.6 Reverse Characters of Lines
 This script can be used to reverse the position of characters in lines.
 The technique moves two characters at a time, hence it is faster than
 more intuitive implementations.
    Note the 'tx' command before the definition of the label.  This is
 often needed to reset the flag that is tested by the 't' command.
    Imaginative readers will find uses for this script.  An example is
 reversing the output of 'banner'.(1)
      #!/usr/bin/sed -f
      /../! b
      # Reverse a line.  Begin embedding the line between two newlines
      # Move first character at the end.  The regexp matches until
      # there are zero or one characters between the markers
      # Remove the newline markers
    ---------- Footnotes ----------
    (1) This requires another script to pad the output of banner; for
      #! /bin/sh
      banner -w $1 $2 $3 $4 |
        sed -e :a -e '/^.\{0,'$1'\}$/ { s/$/ /; ba; }' |