sed: Exit status

 2.3 Exit status
 An exit status of zero indicates success, and a nonzero value indicates
 failure.  GNU 'sed' returns the following exit status error values:
      Successful completion.
      Invalid command, invalid syntax, invalid regular expression or a
      GNU 'sed' extension command used with '--posix'.
      One or more of the input file specified on the command line could
      not be opened (e.g.  if a file is not found, or read permission is
      denied).  Processing continued with other files.
      An I/O error, or a serious processing error during runtime, GNU
      'sed' aborted immediately.
    Additionally, the commands 'q' and 'Q' can be used to terminate 'sed'
 with a custom exit code value (this is a GNU 'sed' extension):
      $ echo | sed 'Q42' ; echo $?