nano: Entering Text

 3.2 Entering Text
 ‘nano’ is a "modeless" editor.  This means that all keystrokes, with the
 exception of Control and Meta sequences, enter text into the file being
    Characters not present on the keyboard can be entered in two ways:
    • For characters with a single-byte code, pressing the Esc key twice
      and then typing a three-digit decimal number (from ‘000’ to ‘255’)
      will make ‘nano’ behave as if you typed the key with that value.
    • For any possible character, pressing ‘M-V’ (Alt+V) and then typing
      a series of hexadecimal digits (at most six, or concluded with
      ‘Enter’ or ‘Space’) will enter the corresponding Unicode character
      into the buffer.
    For example, typing ‘Esc Esc 2 3 4’ will enter the character "ê" —
 useful when writing about a French party.  Typing ‘M-V 0 0 2 2 c 4’ will
 enter the symbol "⋄", a little diamond.
    Typing ‘M-V’ followed by anything other than a hexadecimal digit will
 enter this keystroke verbatim into the buffer, allowing the user to
 insert literal control codes (except ‘^J’) or escape sequences.