groff: Preprocessor Intro

 1.5 Preprocessors
 Although 'groff' provides most functions needed to format a document,
 some operations would be unwieldy (e.g. to draw pictures).  Therefore,
 programs called "preprocessors" were written that understand their own
 language and produce the necessary 'groff' operations.  These
 preprocessors are able to differentiate their own input from the rest of
 the document via markers.
    To use a preprocessor, Unix pipes are used to feed the output from
 the preprocessor into 'groff'.  Any number of preprocessors may be used
 on a given document; in this case, the preprocessors are linked together
 into one pipeline.  However, with 'groff', the user does not need to
 construct the pipe, but only tell 'groff' what preprocessors to use.
    'groff' currently has preprocessors for producing tables ('tbl'),
 typesetting equations ('eqn'), drawing pictures ('pic' and 'grn'),
 processing bibliographies ('refer'), and drawing chemical structures
 ('chem').  An associated program that is useful when dealing with
 preprocessors is 'soelim'.
    A free implementation of 'grap', a preprocessor for drawing graphs,
 can be obtained as an extra package; 'groff' can use 'grap' also.
    Unique to 'groff' is the 'preconv' preprocessor that enables 'groff'
 to handle documents in various input encodings.
    There are other preprocessors in existence, but, unfortunately, no
 free implementations are available.  Among them is a preprocessor for
 drawing mathematical pictures ('ideal').