groff: Displays

 3.2.5 Displays
 "Displays" are sections of text to be set off from the body of the
 paper.  Major quotes, tables, and figures are types of displays, as are
 all the examples used in this document.
    "Major quotes" are quotes that are several lines long, and hence are
 set in from the rest of the text without quote marks around them.
    A "list" is an indented, single-spaced, unfilled display.  Lists
 should be used when the material to be printed should not be filled and
 justified like normal text, such as columns of figures or the examples
 used in this paper.
    A "keep" is a display of lines that are kept on a single page if
 possible.  An example for a keep might be a diagram.  Keeps differ from
 lists in that lists may be broken over a page boundary whereas keeps are
    "Floating keeps" move relative to the text.  Hence, they are good for
 things that are referred to by name, such as "See figure 3".  A floating
 keep appears at the bottom of the current page if it fits; otherwise, it
 appears at the top of the next page.  Meanwhile, the surrounding text
 'flows' around the keep, thus leaving no blank areas.